Edinburgh Building Retrofit and Improvement Collective

Please enter your details below so that we can add you to our mailing list and keep you up to date with relevant information. 

(If you want to update your existing details, please submit just your email, name and full postcode, then select the link to 'update your profile', given in the error message under the email field).
Some boxes ask for information relevant to A,B or C 'below', which refers to your answer to the later question on the reason for your interest in the Collective. The odd ordering is a quirk of Mailchimp.
* indicates required
Smartphone mobile number preferred
If you're a landlord, please give address of rental property. If more than one, please give more details in Relevant Info box.
If you're a landlord, please give postcode of rental property. If more than one, please give more details in Relevant Info box.
If the correct name is not obvious then please select from the City of Edinburgh Council 'Natural Neighbourhoods' list (https://data.edinburghcouncilmaps.info/datasets/9961be54aa5649aebfb5f2cde53fa432/explore?showTable=true). Landlords: rental prop n/hood
Fill this in if a member of, or representing, a community group wanting assistance with retrofit etc. A Stair Association is eligible. Give outline description of group if it has no formal name (eg 'owners on my stair')
Fill this in if you are a practicing built environment professional or tradesperson.
What do you do as a professional / tradesperson that is relevant to the Collective? e.g. (conservation) architect, chartered building surveyor, DEA, Retrofit Coordinator etc
If there's anything else that's relevant to your interest(s) in the Collective that's not otherwise covered, or the kind of work you'd like help with is not listed, etc, then please record it (in brief) here

The Collective takes the usage and security of your personal data very seriously. We value your privacy. Please select if you consent to being contacted by the following means (in addition to email).

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